Maenosono, T., Isono, K., Kuronuma, T., Hatai, M., Chimura, K., Kubo, K., Kokubun, H., Greppi, J.A., Watanabe, H., Uehara, K, and Tsuchimatsu, T. Exploring the allelic diversity of the self-incompatibility gene across natural populations in Petunia (Solanaceae). in press Genome Biology and Evolution doi: 10.1093/gbe/evae270.
Suda, R.A., Kubota, S., Kumar, V., Castric, V., Kraemer, U., Morinaga, S.I. and Tsuchimatsu, T. Population genomics reveals demographic history and climate adaptation in Japanese Arabidopsis halleri. in press Plant and Cell Physiology. doi:10.1093/pcp/pcae113.
Tsuchikane, Y., Watanabe, M., Kawaguchi, Y.W., Uehara, K., Nishiyama, T., Sekimoto, H., and Tsuchimatsu, T. (in press) Diversity of genome size and chromosome number in homothallic and heterothallic strains of the Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex (Desmidiales, Zygnematophyceae, Streptophyta) Journal of Phycology. 60: 654-667. doi: 10.1111/jpy.13457
Yew, C.L., Tsuchimatsu, T., Shimizu-Inatsugi, R., Yasuda, S., Hatakeyama, M., Kakui, H., Ohta, T., Suwabe, K., Watanabe, M., Takayama, S., and Shimizu, K.K. (2023) Dominance in self-compatibility between subgenomes of allopolyploid Arabidopsis kamchatica shown by transgenic restoration of self-incompatibility. Nature Communications. 14: 7618.
Isono, K., Nakamura, K., Hanada, K., Shirai, K., Ueki, M., Tanaka, K., Tsuchimatsu, T., Iuchi, S., Kobayashi, M., Yotsui, I., Sakata, Y., and Taji, T. (2023) LHT1/MAC7 contributes to proper alternative splicing under long-term heat stress and mediates variation in the heat tolerance of Arabidopsis. PNAS Nexus. 2: pgad348.
Kawaguchi, Y.W., Tsuchikane, Y., Tanaka, K., Taji, T., Suzuki, Y., Toyoda, A., Ito, M., Watano, Y., Nishiyama, T., Sekimoto, H., and Tsuchimatsu, T. (2023) Extensive copy number variation explains genome size variation in the unicellular Zygnematophycean alga, Closterium peracerosum-strigosum-littorale complex. Genome Biology and Evolution. 15: evad115. doi: 10.1093/gbe/evad115
Brachi, B., Filiault, D., Darme, P., Le Mentec, M., Kerdaffrec, E., Rabanal, F., Anastasio, A., Box, M., Duncan, S., Morton, T., Novikova, P., Perisin, M., Tsuchimatsu, T., Woolley, R., Yu, M., Dean, C., Nordborg, M., Holm, S., Bergelson, J. (2022) Plant genetic effects on microbial hubs impact host fitness in repeated field trials. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 119: e2201285119.
Tsuchimatsu, T., and Fujii, S. (2022) The selfing syndrome and beyond: Diverse evolutionary consequences of mating system transitions in plants. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B. 377: 20200510.
Kakui, H., Tsuchimatsu, T., Yamazaki, M., Hatakeyama, M., and Shimizu, K.K. (2022) Pollen number and ribosome gene expression altered in a genome-editing mutant of REDUCED POLLEN NUMBER1 gene. Frontiers in Plant Science. 12: 768584. doi: 10.3389/fpls.2021.768584
Tateyama, H., Chimura, K., and Tsuchimatsu, T. (2021) Evolution of seed mass associated with mating systems in multiple plant families. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 43: 1981-1987.
Kurata, S., Sakaguchi, S., Mishima, H., Tsuchimatsu, T., and Ito M. (2021) Development and characterization of nuclear microsatellite markers to reveal the neutral demographic background of flower color polymorphism in Geranium thunbergii (Geraniaceae). Genes & Genetic Systems. 96: 99-104.
Bamba, M., Aoki, S., Kajita, T., Setoguchi H., Watano, Y., Sato, S., and Tsuchimatsu, T. (2020) Massive rhizobial genomic variation associated with partner quality in Lotus–Mesorhizobium symbiosis. FEMS Microbiology Ecology 96: fiaa202.
Suwabe, K., Nagasaka, K., Windari, E.A., Hoshiai, C., Ota, T., Takada, M., Kitazumi, A., Masuko-Suzuki, H., Kagaya, Y., Yano, K., Tsuchimatsu, T., Shimizu, K.K., Takayama, S., Suzuki, G., and Watanabe, M. (2020) Double-locking mechanism of self-compatibility in Arabidopsis thaliana: the synergistic effect of transcriptional depression and disruption of coding region in the male specificity gene. Frontiers in Plant Science 11: 576140.
Tsuchimatsu, T.*, Kakui, H.*, Yamazaki, M., Marona, C., Tsutsui, H., Hedhly, A., Meng, D., Sato, Y., Städler, T., Grossniklaus, U., Kanaoka, M.M., Lenhard, M., Nordborg, M., Shimizu, K.K. (2020) Adaptive reduction of male gamete number in the selfing plant Arabidopsis thaliana. Nature Communications 11: 2885. *equally contributed.
Gutiérrez‐Ortega, J.S., Salinas‐Rodríguez, M.M., Ito, T., Pérez‐Farrera, M.A. Vovides, A.P., Martínez, J.F., Molina‐Freaner, F., Hernández‐López, A., Kawaguchi, L., Nagano, A.J., Kajita, T., Watano, Y., Tsuchimatsu, T., Takahashi, Y., Murakami, M. (2020) Niche conservatism promotes speciation in cycads: the case of Dioon merolae (Zamiaceae) in Mexico. New Phytologist 227:1872-1884.
Fujii, S., Tsuchimatsu, T., Kimura, Y., Ishida, S., Tangpranomkorn, S., Shimosato-Asano, H., Iwano, M., Furukawa, S., Itoyama, W., Wada, Y., Shimizu, K.K., and Takayama, S. (2019) Identification of a stigmatic gene functions in inter-species incompatibility in the Brassicaceae. Nature Plants 5: 731-741
Bamba, M., Aoki, S., Kajita, T., Setoguchi H., Watano, Y., Sato, S., and Tsuchimatsu, T. (2019) Exploring genetic diversity and signatures of horizontal gene transfer in nodule bacteria associated with Lotus japonicus in natural environments. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 32: 1110-1120
Bamba, M., Kawaguchi, Y.W., and Tsuchimatsu, T. (2019) Plant adaptation and speciation studied by population genomic approarches. Development, Growth & Differentiaion 61: 12-24.
Ariga, H., Katori, T., Tsuchimatsu, T., Hirase, T., Tajima, Y., Parker, J., Alcazar, R., Koornneef, M., Hoekenga, O., lipka, A., Gore, M., Sakakibara, H., Kojima, M., Kobayashi, Y., Iuchi, S., Kobayashi, M., Shinozaki, K., Sakata, Y., Hayashi, T., Saijo, Y. and Taji, T. (2017) NLR locus-mediated trade-off between abiotic and biotic stress adaptation in Arabidopsis. Nature Plants 3, 17072 doi:10.1038/nplants.2017.72
Durvasula, A., Fulgione, A., Gutakerd, R.M., Alacakaptan, S.I., Flood, P.J., Netoa, C., Tsuchimatsu, T., Burbano, H.A., Picó, F.X., Alonso-Blanco, C., and Hancock, A.M. (2017) African genomes illuminate the early history and transition to selfing in Arabidopsis thaliana. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the U.S.A. 114: 5213-5218.
Tsuchimatsu, T*., Goubet, P.M.*, Gallina, S., Holl, A.C., Fobis-Loisy, I., Bergès, H., Marande, W., Prat, E., Meng, D., Long, Q., Platzer, A., Nordborg, M., Vekemans, X., and Castric, V. (2017) Patterns of polymorphism at the self-incompatibility locus in 1,083 Arabidopsis thaliana genomes. Molecular Biology and Evolution, 34: 1878-1889. *equally contributed
Novikova, P.Y., Tsuchimatsu, T., Simon, S., Nizhynska, V., Voronin, V., Burns, R., Fedorenko, O.M., Holm, S., Säll, T., Prat, E., Marande, W., Castric, V. and Nordborg, M. (2017) Genome sequencing reveals the origin of the allotetraploid Arabidopsis suecica. Molecular Biology and Evolution 34: 957–968.
Novikova, P.Y., Hohmann, N., Nizhynska, V., Tsuchimatsu, T., Ali, J., Muir, G., Guggisberg, A., Paape, T., Schmid, K., Fedorenko, O.M., Holm, S., Säll, T., Schlötterer, C., Marhold, K., Widmer, A., Sese, J., Shimizu, K.K., Weigel, D., Krämer, U., Koch M.A., and Nordborg, M. (2016) Sequencing of the genus Arabidopsis identifies a complex history of nonbifurcating speciation and abundant trans-specific polymorphism. Nature Genetics 48: 1077–1082.
Shimizu, K.K.* and Tsuchimatsu, T.* (2015) Evolution of selfing: recurrent patterns in molecular adaptation. Annual Review of Ecology, Evolution and Systematics 46: 593–622. *equally contributed
Meijón, M., Satbhai, S.B., Tsuchimatsu, T. and Busch, W. (2014) Genome-wide association study using cellular traits identifies a new regulator of root development in Arabidopsis. Nature Genetics 46: 77-81.
Tsuchimatsu, T., Yoshitake, H. and Ito, M. (2014) Herbivore pressure by weevils associated with flower color polymorphism in Geranium thunbergii (Geraniaceae). Journal of Plant Research 127: 265-273.
Tsuchimatsu, T. and Shimizu, K.K. (2013) Effects of pollen availability and the mutation bias on the fixation of mutations disabling the male specificity of self-incompatibility. Journal of Evolutionary Biology 26: 2221-2232.
Ngo, Q. A., Huguette, A., Tsuchimatsu, T. and Grossniklaus, U. (2013) The differentially regulated genes TvQR1 and TvPirin of the parasitic plant Triphysaria exhibit distinctive natural allelic diversity. BMC Plant Biology 13: 28.
Tsuchimatsu, T*., Kaiser, P.*, Yew, C.-L., Bachelier, J.B. and Shimizu, K.K. (2012) Recent loss of self-incompatibility by degradation of the male component in allotetraploid Arabidopsis kamchatica. PLoS Genetics 8: e1002838. *equally contributed
Nagano, A. J., Tsuchimatsu, T., Okuyama Y., and Hara-Nishimura, I. (2012) Bimodal expression level polymorphism in Arabidopsis thaliana. Plant Signaling & Behavior 7: 864-873.
de la Chaux, N., Tsuchimatsu, T., Shimizu, K. K., and Wagner, A. (2012) The predominantly selfing plant Arabidopsis thaliana experienced a recent reduction in transposable element abundance compared to its outcrossing relative Arabidopsis lyrata. Mobile DNA 3:2.
Tsuchimatsu, T., Suwabe, K., Shimizu-Inatsugi, R., Isokawa, S., Pavlidis, P., Städler, T., Suzuki, G., Takayama, S., Watanabe, M. and Shimizu, K.K. (2010) Evolution of self-compatibility in Arabidopsis by a mutation in the male specificity gene. Nature 464: 1342-1346. *equally contributed
Seeholzer, S., Tsuchimatsu, T., Jordan, T., Bieri, S., Pajonk, S., Yang, W., Jahoor, A., Shimizu, K.K., Keller, B., and Schulze-Lefert, P. (2010) Diversity at the Mla powdery mildew resistance locus from cultivated barley reveals sites of positive selection. Molecular Plant-Microbe Interactions 23: 497-509.
Shimizu, K. K., Shimizu-Inatsugi, R., Tsuchimatsu, T., and Purugganan, M. D. (2008) Independent origins of self-compatibility in Arabidopsis thaliana. Molecular Ecology 17: 704-714.
Tsuchimatsu, T., Sakai, S., and Ito, M. (2006) Sex allocation bias in hermaphroditic plants: effects of local competition and seed dormancy. Evolutionary Ecology Research 8: 829-842.