Publications|Katayama Group

Peer-reviewed publications

  1. Natsu KATAYAMA, Takuya Yamamoto, Sakura Aiuchi, Yasuyuki Watano, Tao Fujiwara. (2024) Subgenome evolutionary dynamics in allotetraploid ferns: insights from the gene expression patterns in the allotetraploid species Phegopteris decursivepinnata (Thelypteridacea, Polypodiales). Frontiers in Plant Sciences. Vol.14, 1286320. DOI: 10.3389/fpls.2023.1286320
  2. Masahiro Kato, Satoshi Koi, Petcharat Werukamkul and Natsu KATAYAMA. (2022) Characterization of the early evolution of the amphibious Podostemaceae. Aquatic Botany. Vol. 183, 103558. DOI:  10.1016/j.aquabot.2022.103558
  3. Masahiro Kato, Natsu KATAYAMA,and Satoshi Koi. (2022) Comparative Morphology and Evolution of Podostemaceae Flower. Acta Phytotax Geobot. Vol. 73: 97–106. DOI: 10.18942/apg.202120
  4. Natsu KATAYAMA, Satoshi Koi, Akira Sassa, Tetsuya Kurata, Ryoko Imaichi, Masahiro Kato, and Tomoaki Nishiyama. (2022) Elevated mutation rates underlie the evolution of the aquatic plant family Podostemaceae. Communications Biology. Vol. 5, 75. DOI: 10.1038/s42003-022-03003プレスリリース
  5. Yuta TSUKAMOTO, Satoru YONEZAWA, Natsu KATAYAMA, and Yugi ISAGI.(2021) Detection of endangered aquatic plants in rapid streams using environmental DNA. Frontiers in Ecology and Evolution. Vol. 28, 62291. DOI:10.3389/fevo.2020.622291.
  6. Natsu KATAYAMA, Rie TANAKA, Rieko Fujinami, and Ryoko IMAICHI (2019) Expression pattern of CUC3 ortholog in Zeylanidium tailichenoides (Podostemaceae) infers organization of a unique distichous shoot in Podostemoideae Journal of Plant Research. Vol. 132, pp. 521-529. DOI:10.1007/s10265-019-01113-x.
  7. Natsu KATAYAMA, Masahiro KATO, and Ryoko IMAICHI (2016) Habitat specificity enhances genetic differentiation in two species of aquatic Podostemaceae in Japan. American Journal of Botany. Vol. 103, pp. 317-324. DOI:10.3732/ajb.1500385.
  8. Masahiro KATO, Satoshi KOI, Chie TSUTSUMI, Natsu KATAYAMA (2015) A new crustose species of Zeylanidium (Podostemaceae) from Kerala, India. Rheedea. Vol. 25, pp.156–158.
  9. Natsu KATAYAMA, Jessica K. ABBSOTT, Jostein KJÆRANDSEN, Yuma TAKAHASHI, and Erik I. SVENSSON (2014) Sexual selection on wing interference patterns in Drosophila melanogaster. Proceedings of the National Academy of the United States of America. Vol. 111, pp.15144–15148. DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1407595111
  10. Natsu KATAYAMA, Masahiro KATO, and Toshihiro YAMADA (2013) Origin and development of the cryptic shoot meristem in Zeylanidium lichenoides (Podostemaceae). American Journal of Botany. Vol. 100, pp.635-646. DOI: 10.3732/ajb.1200571.
  11. Natsu KATAYAMA, Masahiro KATO, Takumi NISHIUCHI, and Toshihiro YAMADA (2011) Comparative anatomy of embryogenesis in three species of Podostemaceae and evolution of the loss of embryonic shoot and root meristems. Evolution & Development. Vol. 13, pp. 333-342. DOI: 10.1111/j.1525-142X.2011.00488.x.
  12. Natsu KATAYAMA*, Satoshi KOI*, and Masahiro KATO (2010). Expression of SHOOT MERISTEMLESS, WUSCHEL, and ASYMMETRIC LEAVES1 homologs in the shoots of Podostemaceae: implications for the evolution of novel shoot organogenesis. Plant Cell Vol. 22, pp. 2131-2140. DOI: 10.1105/tpc.109.073189. –*these authors contributed equally. –This paper was picked up in the IN BRIEF section of this Issue. N.A. Eckardt and D. Baum “The Podostemad Puzzle: The Evolution of Unusual Morphology in the Podostemaceae”
  13. Natsu KATAYAMA, Satoshi KOI and Masahiro KATO. (2008). Developmental anatomy of the reproductive shoot in Hydrobryum japonicum (Podostemaceae). Journal of Plant Research Vol. 121, pp. 417-424. DOI: 10.1007/s10265-008-0171-y.

Review papers (in Japanese)

  1. 片山なつ (2022)分子進化速度の上昇がもたらす水生植物カワゴケソウ科の進化. 植物地理・分類研究)Vol. 70 pp. 15–20. 第15回日本植物分類学会奨励賞 受賞記念論文
  2. 片山なつ (2016) Diversification of aquatic angiosperms Podotemaceae. 水生被子植物カワゴケソウ科の多様化とその要因. 植物科学の最前線(BSJ review)Vol. 7 pp. 279–287.
  3. 片山なつ (2012) Adaptation to fast-flowing rivers: Loss of vertical body plan in Podostemaceae. 激流環境への適応:カワゴケソウ科における鉛直軸ボディプランの喪失. Plant Morphology. Vol. 24 pp. 45–49.
  4. 厚井聡、片山なつ (2012) Gene expression analysis on enigmatic shoots in Podostemaceae. カワゴケソウ科の特異なシュートの遺伝子発現解析. Plant Morphology. Vol. 24 pp. 73–84.


  1. Satoshi KOI and Natsu KATAYAMA(2013) Gene expression Analysis of Aquatic Angiosperms Podostemaceae to Gain Insight into the Evolution of Their Enigmatic Morphology. In: I. De Smet (Ed.) Plant Organogenesis: Methods and Protocols. Series: Methods in Molecular Biology. Vol. 959 pp. 83–95. Springer. DOI: 10.1007/978-1-62703-221-6_5

  2. 高橋佑磨・片山なつ著 伝わるデザインの基本 増補改訂3版 よい資料を作るためのレイアウトのルール. 技術評論社 2021年
  3. ジョナサン・シュワビッツ 著 高橋佑磨・片山なつ監修 小川浩一 翻訳 できる研究者のプレゼン術 スライドづくり、話の組み立て、話術 講談社 2020年
  4. 高橋佑磨・片山なつ監修 ゼロから身について一生使える! プレゼン資料作成見るだけノート 宝島社 2019年
  5. 高橋佑磨・片山なつ著 伝わるデザインの基本 増補改訂版 よい資料を作るためのレイアウトのルール 技術評論社 2016年
  6. 高橋佑磨・片山なつ著 伝わるデザインの基本 よい資料を作るためのレイアウトのルール 技術評論社 2014年